
Write to me at heathenscripture [at] gmail [dot] com. I’ll do my best to reply, but sometimes busyness doesn’t permit it. Please excuse crappiness at correspondence.

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8 Responses to Contact

  1. Cathryn says:

    You’re my new hero. Andrew Bolt antidote.

  2. G’day Mr Lemon – I just read your article about Jim Wallace on the ABC site. We all have our opinions and here’s mine –

    Reading the article frightened me to think that the ABC has lowered it’s standards so much as to include your ‘personal reflections’. Faith or no faith, your level of communication was disappointing. Why? You are unable to present an argument without degrading the people who are only doing what you do yourself- standing up for what you believe.

    Being nasty is just attention-seeking behavior usually set aside for school playgrounds and Parliament. Embarrassing, mate.

    I’ll be interested to see if you can raise your professional standards. The media love it because it represents pop journalism not because it’s clever. Geoff Lemon on tour? I don’t think so.

  3. stace8383 says:

    I gave you a Versatile Blogger award! See here for details:

    An award? Moi?!

  4. Shane Dunne says:

    Nice work. Will look forward to more posts.

  5. Minz says:

    This strikes me as being something which may amuse you…

  6. I’m looking for an older post of yours. I believe it’s quite relevant, considering tomorrow is ANZAC Day. Can you please resurrect it – you *know* which one I’m talking about, dude.

  7. andrew walsh says:

    Love your work 100% mate, but you probably should note that The Herd didn’t write ‘i was only 19’, they were just covering a song by Aussie folk outfit ‘Redgum’.

    • geoff lemon says:

      Cheers Andrew – I’m well aware, but the essay was written around the time that The Herd’s version was popular, which was of greater interest and relevance to my discussion of contemporary commemoration.

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