Now’s a really good time to re-think voting Abbott

Australia. Don’t fucking ruin it for everyone. Sometime in the next couple of days you are all going to do that weird dance with the little cardboard houses and the scrawling of runes on scrolls, and like a magical phoenix sewn from boredom and Windsor knots, a new government will be formed. According to what I’ve read in the newspapers owned by one guy, and seen in the polling of people his age who still have hand-cranked telephones, enough of you are going to vote for Liberal or National candidates that Tony Abbott will be installed as Prime Minister.

What I really, really wonder is whether you’ve thought this through.

If you are planning to vote Coalition, I’d love you to actually read the following and think about it, rather than scrolling straight to the comments for a pre-emptive gloat. Because your choice would be a very poor one, for you and for the rest of us, on policy alone.

On one thing we agree: I too would love to see Labor booted soundly from office. To go over their failings would take more time than I could spend without punching myself repeatedly in the face for light relief. But if Labor’s last term served up a bowl of curdled fuckslaw, the Liberals have taken a dump on top, stirred it in with salad tongs and are telling you it’s called chou Parisienne. But even my view here requires a disgust at Labor’s ethical failures, like deep-throating the pokies industry or joining in the fake panic about a handful of poor fuckers in shitbox watercraft. On these ethical issues, middle-ground voters – the self-appointed pragmatists of the electoral landscape – are often found without a great many fucks to give.

Which means? The reasons you want to vote out Labor make up precisely none of the reasons they should be voted out. Your key issues involve the economy, the general standard of life in Australia, our position in the world and our prospects for the future. If you consider yourself a conservative, your choice is easy. Labor has been a great conservative government. The radicals and the cowboys, especially in terms of economics, are found in Abbott’s Coalition.

Firstly, the NBN is the most important infrastructure project in decades and we cannot afford to fuck it up. No one thinks twice about spending money on highways, railways and power grids, because our society can’t function without them. Internet connectivity is already central to so much of our industry and economy, and will only become more important in the years ahead. If Australia is to compete internationally it needs the best possible infrastructure, and rural Australia needs the same access. This isn’t some feelgood pamphlet shit to be read out over a string quartet singing ‘We Are Australian’. The NBN could actually bring dying towns and regions back to life, as connectivity makes living and working there far more appealing and viable. It’s certainly the best prayer that country Australia has had for a century. It’s also designed with the capacity to adapt to the massive data increases the future will bring. It’s a costly and ambitious project, because quality and comprehensive projects are.

Abbott’s alternative is a cheery two-fingered salute to every one of us. It uses technology that will be obsolete before it’s built, require far greater maintenance, and deliver slower internet speeds by 2019 than other countries have now. The speed could lag 20 times behind the NBN. Even Malcolm Turnbull thinks it’s horse-shit, and he’s the guy in charge of shovelling it. Saying we can’t afford infrastructure is criminally short-sighted when that infrastructure will pay for itself many times over. Then there’s the bizarreness of Abbott’s constituency including the country areas represented by the Nationals, whose voters and MPs are apparently happy to help kick holes in the bottom of their own rowboat. It’s not that Abbott opposes the NBN, he’s just duty-bound to oppose anything that Labor came up with first. But to let that partisan mentality threaten a project of such genuine national importance is unforgiveable from a man who wants to lead that nation.

And that’s just one part of Abbott’s wider economic fuckery. For a party that is supposed to stand for economic management and sense, the last three years have been a self-parody escalating in intensity and weirdness with each passing news cycle. After years of panic about the carbon tax, the economy absorbed it without a ripple, while industrial carbon emissions have already fallen. Cost of living increased less than half as much under Gillard as it did under Howard or Rudd – yes, true, and motherfucking incredible given the way that carbon whatsit was going to make us sell our kids to Origin Energy or whatever.

Nonetheless, Abbott still has an economic agenda more insane than the Greens’ most radical fringe-dwellers could muster at the end of a week-long meth binge. The blood pledge to repeal all carbon penalties is still in force, ditto for the mining tax, though he still intends to pay for the associated expenses, only without having the money, and he can’t tell us how he’ll do that. DON’T WORRY BE COOL HE’S A MAGICIAN.

Businesses that were supposed to be ruined have said they weren’t adversely affected – see BHP’s response to Abbott’s monumental Olympic Dam fuck-up. Whatever you thought of carbon pricing beforehand, removing it now only causes more headaches and instability. Then, rather than businesses paying for the carbon they emit, Abbott’s Direct Action policy has taxpayers directly funding billions in handouts to these same businesses, who will be asked nicely to spend it on emitting less. And to top it off, after the warnings of how taxes on business would ultimately ruin us all, Abbott plans to fund billions in unnecessary parental leave by… imposing an extra tax on business.

The fact that Abbott’s costings weren’t released until two days before the election should alone disqualify him from contention. No one pulls a bullshit stunt like that unless they have an army of skeletons to keep buried. Then there’s the fact that the costings were just a list of numbers with no indication as to how they were reached. A man who has talked endlessly about trust expects an electorate to accept his policies and promises based on pure faith.

But faith is what Abbott is all about. His work in opposition has been a simple matter of making statements. The carbon tax is toxic. Australia has too much debt. The cost of living is rising. It doesn’t matter how empirically this shit is disproved; somehow, like a fucking average horror movie, the same tiresome desiccated monster pops its reanimated head up and starts roaring once more. Like Bloody Mary in the bathroom mirror, the mere act of saying something enough times calls it into being.

Take the question of debt. A deciding factor for many in this election will be a fear of national debt. In their minds, we had a budget surplus, now we don’t, this means things are bad and it has to be corrected. If you are one of those people, let me give you a really quick economics primer. In an economy with the risk of slow growth, government investment is an ideal form of stimulus. Investment in infrastructure is good because you purchase something that keeps being useful in the long term, while generating further revenue for the private individuals or companies who use it, which in turn helps raise government revenue via tax. So when my e-phone rings, I can hand-deliver one internet via the information superhighway on my cyberbike, and both me and my government benefit from the extra income.

These investments are funded by borrowing against the prospect of future benefit. Government capital is raised (and debt incurred) by routine issuing of bonds. There aren’t any loan sharks out there waiting to break our national knees. In boom times, when revenue is higher, there’s less need for government stimulus which means deficits reduce. And after all that, turns out Australia’s ratio of debt to GDP (the best indicator of troublesome debt) is one of the lowest of all developed nations. Well fuck me, it’s true.

In the meantime, after three years bemoaning Labor’s wasteful big-spending approach and promising to do better, Abbott’s costings – if all goes perfectly to his plan – have tweaked three budget lines to identify $6billion in savings over four years. That’s 0.3 percent of the budget. Over four motherfucking years. In Federal terms, that’s change you find down the back of the couch. Deeper and uglier cuts will have to follow, but clearly he doesn’t want us to know what they are. Either that or he doesn’t know yet. The prospect that Abbott just spits raw mince at a brainstorm wall-chart and picks policies based on gristle-clusters has never left my mind. Even the firmly right-wing Economist, focusing specifically on finance and economics, has warned that Abbott’s policies are dangerously unclear and untested, and heralded the work of Labor’s last two terms. That’s like Choc Mundine volunteering at a library.

However he gets there, Abbott’s policy will be to cut spending and produce an austerity budget – for no other reason than ‘budget surplus’ sounding nice to uninformed voters. A quite plausible result will be a recession, as government spending drops, jobs are lost, community spending drops, welfare claims increase, and tax receipts fall. In many situations having a surplus is actually irresponsible policy – there’s nothing sensible about failing to invest when investment is required.

As well as downgrading the NBN, this will involve cutting clean energy investment at a time when even the great scapegoat of China is pumping unprecedented cash into the sector. Basically, Australia in global economic terms will become more isolated, more backwater, and increasingly left behind to scratch our nuts, chew grass stems, grow our front teeth long and head to the hayloft to fingerbang our sisters. Great work, fuckos.

But the talk on debt betrays the biggest problem of all. The biggest problem is Tony Abbott. Even ignoring the personal quirks, like his incessantly creepy weirdness with women, or the fact that he mostly looks like he’s about to slurp a fly out of midair, Abbott is a negative, uninspired, uninspiring, ruthless and mean-spirited person with a desire for power. Rudd loves the spotlight, but this occasionally has the side effect of him doing good things to get it. Abbott does not give a fuck what anyone thinks. Even if you do like Tony Abbott, Tony Abbott does not like you.

An example is lying about the problems with debt, when debt is how most countries function. An example is lying about Australia’s credit rating being at risk, when the country was ranked AAA. An example is claiming carbon dioxide couldn’t be measured because gas is weightless, which is right up there in scientific nuance with saying the sun revolves around the earth. Abbott knows these lines aren’t true – he’s many things, but not stupid. Still, he’s happy to lie to those who might vote for him, banking on them not knowing any better. The condescension to his own supporters is truly offensive. But he gets away with it, not because people are stupid, but because they don’t have the time or inclination to cross-check. In short, Tony Abbott thinks that you, the person voting for him, are a fucking idiot. He is happy to take advantage of this to mislead you. While intellectuals are often derided as snobs by the conservative side of politics, this attitude is far more poisonously elitist.


Australia. Mate. Please, do not jam this clusterfuck of a political career into the most prominent role in our democracy. Much as I’d love to be proud of my country, it’s not likely to happen this election, given how low both sides have crawled and our own willingness to get on all fours to follow. But we cannot afford someone as unpredictable and unaccountable as Tony Abbott. In three years of complaining about lies he hasn’t spoken one straight word. He hasn’t made one election promise specific enough to be held to. His list of disgusting comments is long and distinguished, and he would start making those as our representative to the world. Like so many on the conservative fringe, Abbott manufactures ideological enemies out of people whose only offence is to advocate generosity or restraint. He has a tenuous grasp on reality, and a perverse view of a great deal of social interaction and moral questions.

Personal qualities notwithstanding, he’s an intensely dangerous politician who is likely to do economic and social damage to a level beyond even the incompetent Labor of Joe Hockey’s wettest dreams. The sealer is that Hockey is a far more decent human than Abbott can ever hope to be, yet is willing to ape the steps of the bullshit dance. Abbott has shown an absolute willingness to make any moves necessary in order to gain power, for no other reason than gaining power. He has no articulated vision, no aims, no agenda aside from winning and being in charge. But power for the sake of taking power is completely fucking pointless. Power because you don’t like another group having it – a group who, on any terms or indicators that you yourself would value, are doing a very capable job – is reckless and selfish as well.

If you are conservative, Tony Abbott is not your man. If you’re concerned about the economy, Tony Abbott is not your man. If you want truth and accountability in politics, Tony Abbott is not even a man, he’s some kind of protozoa living in a sulphur vent. And if you give any thought to how our country is perceived internationally, Tony Abbott will never be our man. Ethically, personally, and in terms of policy, he’s someone our country should be deeply ashamed to even consider electing, let alone to elect. For the love of all that’s holy, please spare us three years of that.

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214 Responses to Now’s a really good time to re-think voting Abbott

  1. Rethink? If you ever thought to vote Abbott I don’t think any amount of rethinking is gonna help.

    • Michiela Stonehouse says:

      Agreed #mindboggling

    • Dawesi says:

      Toby Abbott is really going to be the best Prime Minister we’ve ever had. I can’t wait for most of Australia to vote FOR him. He is an amazing role model and a very intelligent man.

      Finally a person with substance, who assists the community, raises money for people in need, helps the flood victims, bali bombing victims. He is everything that is amazing about Australia.

      As for the NBN, it’s scheduled in inner suburbs of melbourne by 2020!! We currently have ADSL1 on new copper and new exchange. At least we’ll have fast internet within 3 years with Libs, 20M is enough for anyone at home. I can’t think of anything in a house that requires more than that, even with a massive torrent download queue.

      And all the ALP/Greens people can say is negative, nasty things. How bitter and hateful are their supporters. They are not losers though, they get an amazing Liberal team of people who will allow them to whinge on their $2k laptops while watching their plasmas as for the first time in 6 years they know they’ll not lose their house or their job.

      Such hatred as I’ve seen here should be met with therapy, not applause. This article is a complete disgrace. You would be sacked in a second for talking about your boss in this way. Have a good hard look at yourself and get some common decency.

      You’re angry, full of hate to the point you make up a while bunch of bulldust, then put bulldust ontop of that. Only people like you will bring this great country down with your foul bigoted oppinions and attitudes. You need violence counseling my friend. Being a bully and insulting our great nation by bringing it down to the toilet is un-Australian.

      • If Tony Abbott is what we now define as “an Australian with substance” I’d better start looking for a new nationality. Or is this sarcasm? I’m finding it hard to tell.

      • dale says:

        If you think that 20M is enough for anyone, then you have absolutely no idea how IT works (please look up latency), and consider that speed is not equal to how much you want to download. It’s about getting fast access to data that can massively improve your work flow at home.

        • geoff lemon says:

          Yes, there seems to be little awareness that download speeds mean more than how fast you get a movie. Or of how fast data requirements increase with IT development. Compare the processing power and transfer speeds of 10 years ago to now…

      • A brilliant parody, Dawesi.

      • Marcia says:

        Ummm, Tony Abbott is not their boss, Kevin Rudd is and did you miss the points he made about no costings and carbon tax and the economy??? Running a country is about more than running a race for cancer funds.

      • Jim says:

        I don’t know what your background is but I feel you are on the wrong tram. Before you go out and vote today I suggest you read some of the writings of economist around the world, particularly Joseph Stiglitz a Nobel Prize winner in Economic Science about the disastrous effect of austerity economics in times of economic crisis and results of that style of budget management in the UK, US and Europe.
        Australia has the 3rd lowest government debt in the world and is in the top 10 growth economies in the world with a AAA credit rating from all three of the major rating agencies.
        I don’t know what planet you are on but Tony Abbott and Joe Hockey have already said that thousands of jobs will be cut from the public service a flow on which will be people in financial hardship and possibly losing their homes and don’t sprout the party line about there are other jobs out here- how will that be if an Abbott government relaxes the requirements for 457 visas and the number of workers being bought in from overseas increases.
        As for Mr Abbott”s NBN idea, what a joke our cable internet with Telstra already runs at speeds in excess of of his proposed speed. Your suggestion that 20Mbps is sufficient for domestic use is laughable you obviously don’t live in a home where there is at least people accessing the internet at any give time. Mr Abbott’s plan would be like taking a journey in Japan – first you get on the bullet train at Tokyo travel to Osaka and then continue your journey by horse and cart. Do you realise that under the Coalitions NBN if you decide you want more then 25Mbps it will cost you several thousand dollars to have fibre optic cable into your premises.
        If you think a Coalition government is so good perhaps you should look at what has happened in Queensland in he last 18 months – 14000 government workers sacked, over 2000 health workers sacked and the flow on from government cuts people like my partner being made redundant because the services provided by the community organisation where she worked were cut because of government funding cuts.
        I think you need to wake up and smell the roses – see what it is like in the real world and not just accept the political claptrap of Tony Abbott whose is being a puppet for Rupert Murdoch. Be careful what you wish for it may become your reality

        • Nell says:

          Another smart Man Jim. I’ll go with you ! Not always smart people is wise, but Rudd is smarter than Tony Abbot in deal with numbers, I think 🙂

      • Robyn says:

        I was so blown away by Geoff’s article, thinking wow someone who under normal circumstances wouldn’t support Labor basically agreeing with everything I know and think about Abbott. Geoff may be swearing a lot – that’s because he’s realised we’re about to head off the cliff and he’s passionate about trying to get the point through. He also obviously knows what he’s talking about, thanks for acknowledging the truth about the economy Geoff, so nice to hear. And then I read your comment Dawesi and thought yep, this is the typical response of a lib voter who hasn’t looked further than their nose. All I can say is your poor deluded thing, who will you blame when it all goes pear shaped? Don’t even think about blaming Labor, because they have governed well. Thanks very much for joining the other lemmings and taking us with you.

      • Melina says:

        Hahaha, I love a good joke post.

      • Symon Smith says:

        Australia’s only a country of twenty million. It’s not that great. And being a bully is very Australian.

      • Gav says:

        Darwesi, have you read your diatribe in the last couple of months. If you still stand by this (e.g. Abbot is the best PM we’ll ever have!!!), you must be missing a large part of your cerebral cortex.

  2. SRD says:

    I enjoyed this. Interested to hear a Liberal leaner’s response.

  3. Adam Burnell says:

    You’re a raging fuckwit.

    Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2013 03:43:11 +0000 To:

  4. Pingback: Heathen Scripture – Now’s a really good time to re-think voting Abbott | cicada~piñata

  5. Orcy says:

    nice article, yet its looking significantly like he will be the next leader of this country. Maybe I should rethink that move overseas.

  6. Moe says:

    You had me at Dumb and Dumber.

  7. mindmadeup says:

    Reblogged this on you said it… and commented:
    Thoughts from a non-Labor person

  8. Tim says:

    Channelling the late, great Hunter S there. I would not have minded a reprise of the phrase “lying, thieving cocksucker” in there somewhere.

  9. Sebastian says:

    Fantastic article, however i’m confused on what we as a nation are going to do about this election. When are we going to have a decent party to vote for who we could feel proud to call our government?
    swinging voter

    • geoff lemon says:

      Exactly, Sebastian. There’s none deserving unequivocal support. A few good independents, but if they’re not in your electorate you’re out of luck.

      • Moderate_Left_Dave says:

        I will make a plug here for the Greens in the ACT, simply because they are actually trying. I have not heard a peep from Zed (the local Lib who rat-fucked the genuinely nice Gary Humphries to get pre-selection), and nothing from Kate Lundy, the Labor incumbent. On the other hand, Simon Sheikh has had posters up, has volunteers phoning everyone they can find, and generally being a good politician. I disagree with the Greens on pretty much everything to do with the economy, but you can’t fault their level of effort.

      • sheepdog says:

        Sadly true Sebastian. However, the important point is surely “anyone but Abbott”. He’s just too dangerous.

      • Simon says:

        All you can do is vote labor in lower, and your preferred special interest party in the upper. Then cross your fingers that Ruddy actually learned something from being bounced.

    • Anth Ology says:

      Are you kidding? Have you looked into the Sex Party, Wikileaks Party, Pirate Party or Secular Party? The first three have a real chance of getting a senate seat. The first two are social libertarian but still believe in the social security safety net. I can’t reasonably expect better representation than those two. The Pirates are a little too economically libertarian, and the Secular have some funky race baiting I don’t like, but there’s bound to be a group out there that represent you quite closely.

      Sure, seats in the house outside of a handful of electorates go to the reds or the blues, but the only way we’re going to see real change out of those two basket cases is to put pressure on them at the ballot box. Put them last and second last on your reps ballot (or, 6th and 7th for me, because I have fascists and Christians running, and even the libs would be better than those nutbags). Every 1 vote you give to a party that gets over 4% gets them $2.30 to build the party and keep them viable through to the next election. But most importantly, VOTE BELOW THE LINE IN THE SENATE! And not for the reds or the blues. Only 3% of us use the most powerful voice we have; our senate preferences. Instead, most of us give it to the reds or the blues to do shady deals with, with a small minority letting one of the little guys do shady deals with. The reds and the blues should NEVER get control of the senate. We need the little parties in there to have true representation, otherwise power becomes the plaything for a small cadre of egomaniacs. Sure, we have to put up with Pauline Hanson, but the price for getting rid of her was the huge lurch to the right the Libs made in the late 90s, which has dragged the Labs to the right. We need the Paulines and Steve Fieldings of the world to give us things like the Australian Democrats or the Greens.

      Voting isn’t just about who get in, we live in a country with one of the best systems in the world for having your voice heard. Don’t let the false narrative of Liberal vs. Labor make you think you’ve got no options.

  10. Aarron says:

    I found the article engaging and eloquent. Bravo, Geoff.
    I really can’t see how the Liberals (or any supporter of the conservative side of Oz politics) can defend any of this. The man will embarrass himself and the nation before they even get the chance to put Malcom into the chair…

  11. Cyntech says:

    Great article… Will reblog it. You’ve summed up pretty much how I’ve felt over the last few weeks but could never put it as eloquently as you.

  12. Cyntech says:

    Reblogged this on Cyntech and commented:
    I’m going to break my own rule of not posting about politics in my blog and for that I apologise. This piece basically sums up everything I’ve been thinking and seeing over the last couple of weeks as we near the election date.

  13. Friendless says:

    Well said Geoff. My feeling is just of sadness… I’m going to spend the next three years laughing at the fuckwits who vote for Abbott then lose their government benefits, but that doesn’t cheer me up at all. I’ll just have to watch Amazon Prime movies on my 120Mbps NBN connection while they beg for spare change out the front of the BiLo.

  14. Charlie Scrivers says:

    Haven’t finished reading yet. I will plod on for a bit longer. Interesting though that Sydney Morning Herald – not owned by that ‘one guy’ – came down in favour of changing the government a full day before election day. The media more often reflects public opinion – after all it is a business than leads it. As Richo says ‘the mob will always work you out’ … and (by 6 pm) tomorrow ‘will have delivered its verdict’ on this bunch of clowns – and the green snot that hangs off them when its convenient to do so – both for trying to fuck the country and for the fuck up they have delivered under the guise of an election campaign.

    • Charlie Scrivers says:

      I plodded on for a bit more. Some of it was funny. But then I got to creepily-weird-with- women-Abbott and did what creepy “lying, thieving cocksucker” Rudd wants me to do – revert to personality politics and make a judgement between two ‘presidents’. As the ‘mob’ has concluded the more you get to know Rudd the more you don’t want to. Eat my shorts! (How’s that for gloating?) Go cluster fuck yourself. Jesus H I love this abilty to be completely abusively offensive in ‘social’ media.

      • geoff lemon says:

        Thanks for the comment Charlie. What I was trying to say with that was that even though I have a personal distaste for Abbott, there are potent reasons for keeping him from office that have nothing to do with the personal.

  15. Stiks says:

    I assume you didn’t like George W Bush either? ‘Cause you know Mr Bigot will be our very own George Doubblya!

  16. Rana says:

    Awesome article – right on the ball! Well done and thanks for your forthrightness!

  17. Sarah says:

    Loved the article, and loved the first 5 comments 😀

  18. Tom says:

    I’ve leaned Coalition in the past. But making a policy of cost-cutting; throwing out government employees (admittedly, I don’t disagree the government is flooded with drains on the taxpayer), only to spend those savings on il-thought-out policies, that have been removed – half baked – from a toaster toasting a shit sandwich…hurtling the country into a long-term weaker position for all markets…I really just can’t bring myself to vote for that rabbit-eared “um, err-erer”. As much as the carbon tax may have cost me a few dollars extra, I’ll pay for the sake of saving our planet (the tax as it stood was pointless, and I don’t think either side has a policy worthy of my time), it isn’t a key issue for me. Honestly, neither are the boat people (unless we’re talking about investing millions/billions of our hard earned money on policies less efficient than a Vietnamese coal-fired power station). Honestly, neither party tackles the issues I see important directly, they merely dance around like Pauline Hanson on “Dancing with the – wait, how the heck is she a Star?” I know Rudd’s policies are terrible, and incomplete. I know Labour is useless, but I’m simply curious to see whether Rudd can change his ways. I’ll put up with him for another 3 years, or move to Africa instead. It couldn’t be any worse?

  19. Lachlan says:

    A lot of hot air very little substance, much like the politicians you were denigrating good job.

    • geoff lemon says:

      Feel free to challenge an actual point at any time you like. Pick one.

      • Lachlan says:

        1. Extracting a Budget surplus is not just for superficial zeal, one of the biggest reasons why Rudd was able to supposedly save this nation from the GFC (apart from the mineral boom) was that our budget had very large scope in terms of revenue in order to release on the economy in the form of stimulus packages, which by the way was only possible as a result of years of fiscal conservatism from the howard and costelllo years(which btw, one could argue the ALP over spent the revenue earnt by Costello when trying to stimulate the economy). Especially in todays volatile climate (remember Victoria and other states are in a theoretical recession) where any minor receding’s or crash be it in the stock market or property market etc could leave us up the creek if we don’t facilitate the necessary scope in retained revenue to combat such a de-istumalatory effect.
        – on a supplementary point, to belittle debt (i.e. no one is going to brake our legs) is foolish, again given todays pessimistic global environment borrowing is very difficult to come by, so to casually keep borrowing at higher interest rates will consequently accumulate our principal and interest repayments thereby reducing our credit rating, thereby making it even more difficult to borrow when we really need it.
        – Another point with debt, correct, theoretically its fine to borrow when the leveraged funds are used on infrastructure projects because then we can tax the increased revenues and employment developed from productive infrastructure projects, but in reality these gains in employment, revenue and consumption are all long term effects of infrastructure projects, in the short term how with our already bloated debt are we meant to pay off these leveraged projects? Borrow again, and send us further down the debt spiral? Again don’t belittle debt.
        2. Trying to establish a Budget surplus does de-stimulate the economy, this is a fundamental economic principal that he did get right, hence why Abott trashed ALP’s idea of getting a Surplus in 2012, because considering the dis-inflationary environment we already have, it we would be dumb to exacerbate this by cutting spending and increasing tax’s straight away. However unlike the ALP, the liberals will resort to achieving a Budget surplus in incremental steps as in to gradually cut spending and impose tax’s, to make this a gradual process we dilute the potency of these di-stimulatiutory effects caused by austerity measures.
        3. If we really want to talk about economic mismanagement, the budget and the carbon tax. Lets talk about the major screw up as a result of overlooking such fundamental econ 101 principals. One of the major reasons why the budget was a failure was because they overlooked the simple logistics of the carbon tax, they never realised that when imposing a tax on a good, service, or in this case a mineral, this causes pessimism in the market place of said mineral, this severely reduces demand and consequently the price of said commodity. Suddenly not only do they promise a budget surplus but all of these impractical spending commitments are made, once these are all cemented they realise the pessimism drives down the price of minerals to a point where they can not extract nearly the desired revenue that they predicted in the first place, again because they relied on figures that evidently overlooked some of the most simple economic principles like tax’s on consumer behaviour, whoops they cant have a surplus or fulfil all of their spending commitments.
        4. A final point if we had no carbon tax, a lot of the time we would not have to rely on borrowing, as foreign investment and international infrastructure projects would be set up given the fact that it can now be cheaper to do business in Australia, but no lets lets places like Russia and New Zealand take our mineral based foreign investments and projects.
        – also the only positive about the carbon tax was that it helped drive down the AUD thereby mitigating our two speed economy. But theres a point that constantly gets overlooked, In Australia, 80% of inputs make up the Australian production process for most manufactures, so if our AUD isn’t high enough these inputs become to expensive, you suddenly increase the cost of production for our local manufactures thereby worsening our 2 speed economy, this subdues our net exports and suddenly in regards to our balance of payments we can’t receive enough revenue to mitigate the level of our net foreign debt (but according to this author debts not a big thing to worry about).

  20. Finally I’ve seen the words that explain how I feel. Not just me but also many of my friends.

  21. Kellie Hester says:

    Im really glad my friends posted this article on facebook as it has helped me with understanding what the hell is going on with policies other than just watching smear campaign ads. Thanks Geoff, it has changed my vote!

  22. Lovely stuff,Geoff. Haven’t caught anything of yours for awhile but this was worth the wait.
    Obviously, I like it for speaking my own thoughts, but I don’t think any are for turning at this point.
    Thanks for trying though.

  23. Flash says:

    So basically you are saying it is a choice between a government with a proven track record of lying and failing to deliver their own promises and an opposition who may lie and may fail to deliver it’s promises?

    • geoff lemon says:

      Labor failed to deliver when it came to tough ethical decisions, but on basic economic management they’ve been excellent. (Carbon taxation was a tough decision they got right.) The warning signs from the opposition are already bright orange and blaring, they’re likely to fuck the economy six ways from Sunday based on their own policies, plans and historical tendencies.

  24. Mark says:

    You have said it all. Literally. I cannot commend this piece highly enough.

  25. Martin says:

    Abbott wins –> Senate hostile –> Abbott exposed as worthless –> Abbott served a ‘Whitlam’ –> double dissolution –> another election in 2014 –> Labor wins –> normality restored..

  26. Suzy Mac says:

    You took the words right out of my mouth- you added more-you voiced those fears I have over this dark political time. But shit, if America can elect a black president (and he’s not gunned down shortly after) surely theres hope for us.
    Thank you for telling so many truths so succinctly

  27. jane says:

    Great article Geoff. Debt & deficit clearly explained for those of us who find it pretty hard going, but know in their guts the Liars are bullshitting us.

    Liealot is one of the most dishonest and dangerous politicians I’ve ever seen. He and Turdoch are cut from the same corrupt cloth; spiritual evil identical twins, totally self-absorbed, power hungry megalomaniacs.

    Try as I might, I can’t find one decent person in the entire mendacious, corrupt bunch of Turdoch/IPA sycophants.

    Unfortunately, a lot of voters are still locked into the old meme that the Liars are their betters and must not be questioned and that they actually give a toss about people who aren’t millionaires, born with a silver spoon in their greedy, grasping gobs.

    As for Turnbull, how quickly some forget what a mendacious hypocrite he is. They seem to have forgotten his woeful performance as LOTO (grechmail, anyone) and his craven promotion of Fraudband.

  28. teddy ted says:

    I will be voting liberal. The biggest factor for me is the party that can manage the economy the best and to borrow a phrase, labour has been a clusterf*ck.

    prior to labour getting into government, liberal was in power for 12 years. In those 12 years, a budget surplus was delivered 10 times which allowed us to repay back the debut that had been built up by the prior labour party. if you look at labours last 12 years in power, they have not produced a single surplus. you have to go all the way back to 1989/90 to find the last year where they didnt put us further into debt

    Now i know people are going to say liberal had much better economic conditions. That may be true so how about we strip all these unknowns out and a better way to compare performance is to look at how they performed against THEIR OWN FORECAST. In the prior 12 years of liberal government, they delivered either on target or overachieved their beginning of year budget estimates in 11 of the 12 years. In the 6 years labour has been in power, they’ve only managed to hit their forecast once. Lets take a look at recent memory. In 2011/2012, Labour forecast a budget deficit of -$22b. By the end of the year, the deficit was -$44b…twice as large as they had forecast. 2012/13 didnt get any better with a forecast surplus of $1.5m. Mid way through the year, even with the benefit of 6 months of actuals and only needing to forecast the next 6 months, the forecast was still for a surplus. What was the result come end of the year? A deficit of $19b. How the hell do you f*ck it up so badly that you get your signs the wrong way around. So over the final two years of labour, they forecasted a deficit of about -$20b but ended up being in the red to the tune of over -$60b.

    Labour apologists have called out the GFC and economic crisis to excuse this monumental stuffup. This arguement, in my opinion fails in three main areas.

    1) The liberal party also had headwinds to contend with during their 12 years. The asian financial crisis to name one and they were able to deliver against their budget
    2) the blow out in the deficit i’ve talked about above happened in 2011 to 2013. The GFC had mostly blown over by then. At the very least, the economic conditions were well know so it cant be argued that there were “surprises”
    3) the labour party either cooked all the upsides into their budget and required everything to come off perfectly or they didnt have any contingencies to deal with things not going to plan, which incidentally is faced by all governments. Either way, it simply shows a lack of rigour in economic management

    I wont delve into the reasons for the larger than expected deficit but needless to say the areas of revenue shortfall (e.g. mining tax) and expense blow outs (e.g. $80m p.a. to deal with assylum seakers when labour first got into power to a cost of $3b to $4b now) are predominantly areas directly attributable to labours policies

    • geoff lemon says:

      And Teddy, you seem to be confusing the concept of budget parity with good economic management. The latter involves spending when required. As I said above, Australia has an extremely manageable and even modest level of debt, and the benefits of that spending to the country are likely many times more than the amount spent. Of course the deficit grew in the post-GFC years, because that’s when the longer-term spending began to happen.

      A balanced budget is not the gold star that says ‘good management’. Concentrating on that alone distorts the entire view.

      • bobo zoo says:

        Teddy, do you have any fucking understanding of basic macroeconomics? I take particular offence to Point 2 – ‘the blow out in the deficit i’ve talked about above happened in 2011 to 2013. The GFC had mostly blown over by then’…

        • teddy ted says:

          I certainly do understand macroeconmics bobo.

          August 2007 – the banking system seized when BN Paribas ceased trading in 3 main US mortgage funds. This is when fear started to spread about trillions of dollars of derivatives that may potentially be worthless

          September 2009 – Lehman brothers goes bankrupt which was a pivotal moment in sending the message that the US government would not unilaterally bail out the banks like they did with bear stearns. As a result, lending, particularly to the private sector slowed to a trickle

          April 2009 – Rescue plan formulated by the world leaders at the London G20 summit which included $5 trillion of fiscal expansion, $1.1 trillion for the international monetary fund, and commitments to bank reform

          May 2010 – all the hoo haa started in europe and the focus now switched from private debt to sovereign insolvency. Austerity policy measures started kicking in

          So yes, when it came time to prepare the budgets for 2011/2012 and certainly 2012/2013, the majority of surprises caused by the GFC had all but blown over. Bobo, please go through the budget accounts for 2011/12 and 2012/13 and point out specifically the misses to budget that were caused by material GFC events that weren’t already known by the time the budgets were developed. Let me save you some time – there isnt any.

          Patiently waiting to see if bobo will reply again to demonstrate his huge “fucking understanding” on this issue

          • Aussie-guiri says:

            Go visit a country in Europe and see how well they predict their economic outlooks and whether the issues of the GFC have “blown over”.. Also, I am sure that when the conservatives sold state owned assets and also introduced one of the most extensive increases in the tax base in history it was a little bit easier to balance the books..

          • teddy ted says:

            Aussie-guiri, It is obvious that I am talking about the GFC in the context of Australia. But ill humour your argument for a moment. go to china, brazil or Malaysia and tell me that the issues of the GFC HAVEN’T blown over. But all this proves is that i can just as easily as you name countries irrelevant to the debate at hand.

      • teddy ted says:

        Geoff, yes i did touch on budget parity quickly in my 2nd paragraph however i did concede that economic conditions might have been different between the howard years and the rudd/gillard years. That is why the rest of my reply wasnt about budget parity i.e. being able to provide a surplus but was looking at each parties track record in delivering financially what they said they would deliver.

        It is not the debt that is the issue, it is the difference in how much the labour party said they would spend and how much they ended up spending. I’m not arguing that debt is bad, however simplistically, what happened was the labour party said “guys, for the next two years, we’re going to have to borrow $20 billion to invest in our future”. Then at the end of that period they said “oops, sorry, we actually had to borrow $60 billion”

        if you contracted me to renovate your house and i quoted you $20k to do the job and all the way through the job construction, i was telling you “no worries, we’re on track to complete it within budget”, and then at the last minute I tell you that it would now cost $60k, would you pat me on the back and hire me for the next job? absolutely not

        it is this, the huge miss to the budget that is my issue. How did they not foresee an extra $40b in spend over two years? That, certainly is not good economic management. but yet you’re asking us to trust this parties inept track record to deliver the financially complex NBN, national disability scheme, gonski reforms, asylum seeker projects etc? I have no doubt that they will incompetently bumble their way through it all and end up wasting a lot more money than they say they will spend, just like the pink batts program, the BER and the set top box project to name a few, which all saw huge cost blowouts

        • Johnny Caster says:

          Apply cold water to the burned area

        • Johnny Caster says:

          This, this is exactly why people saying “Labor did a great job with the economy” rings so abysmally false.

          Fucking up cost projections time after time and spending the country in to a mountain of debt is not good economic management. It’s just wasteful and shortsighted. And it’s foolish to think that the government racking up $271 billion in debt over 6 years is why we avoided recession. The effectiveness of Keynesian stimulus is dubious for one (economics is not a 1+ 1 = 2 field of thought, it’s far more complex and involves much debate), and we had a resources boom and an economy that was largely feeding off Asia at the time, those two factors alone were huge.

          If Labor were really good with the economy their “stimulus package” should have been the building of the NBN, rather than giving everybody in the country money for a new TV. Instead they’ve dug a fiscal hole that the next 10 years worth of governments will be digging us out of. The money spent servicing and repaying that $271 billion could have been put into roads, schools and hospitals.

      • Karen says:

        Teddy’s arguments are very valid. But I think your arguments miss one important factor – confidence! When people lose confidence they don’t spend and this leads to a downhill spiral. the fact that the government missed their targets by so much, leads the average person to believe that they don’t know what they’re doing and that directly impacts confidence, which directly impacts business. Also this government has been the most dishonest in living memory and I believe this also feeds into confidence (or lack thereof) in the government. Sorry Geoff but they have been terrible and Kevin Rudd is all about himself. I don’t see how any thinking person could possibly put him in again.

    • DId you listen to anything that was just said?

      Labor have been amazing with the economy and the buzzphrase that is ‘budget surplus’ lies somewhere between meaningless and dangerous.

      • teddy ted says:

        james, did you read what i said? i conceded that its not entirely about budget surplus which is why the majority of what i wrote is in relation to performance against a plan, whether that plan be to deliver or surplus or a deficit

  29. teddy ted says:

    continued…..(hit reply to early)

    in the private sector, a finance manager who gets their forecasts even half as bad as labour would be sacked and face difficulties finding employment at another company yet we’re being asked to give labour another go?

  30. teddy ted says:

    and for those who dont like a wall of text and prefer to see pictures, this is straight off the ABC website:

    • blueso says:

      I do like the Liberal party’s economic track record. However, I do not like the road ahead. Currently we’re stable economically under a Labor government (whether it fits their predictions or not) but many of the policies that Tony Abbot has proposed (of the few that he has actually announced) could well be detrimental to the economy.

      Even the small budgetary proposals ($1.5 billion for anti-boat-people surveillance drones, anyone?) are indicative of, perhaps, a poorly thought out budget and economic policy.

      Currently, it’s not perfect but I fully agree with geoff lemon’s analysis in that Labor is no way near as bad as what Tony Abbott wishes us to believe and the Coalition’s current policies are somewhat contradictory and muddled.

      Abolishing the Carbon and Mining (Resource Rent) taxes may or may not be beneficial but I don’t want to see a government that doesn’t even acknowledge the problems with doing so.

  31. Wunderlark says:

    Very good article and I hope it sways the opinions of at least a few on-the-fencers, though I am extremely pessimistic about tomorrow, but could you link the Economist reference please, I have not been able to find it anywhere else online.

  32. madeline brujic says:

    Geoff has just summed up for this old age pensioner, I might not need the NBN but my children and grand children will. The education of our children is already falling behind to world standards. Liberals all over the world think they are born to rule. you will notice they nearly all go to the same type of schools nothing but an old boys club.

  33. Adam says:

    Brilliant how you don’t hold back, Geoff. Sadly, this only will fall on deaf ears to a public that would much rather suck on the teats of Murdoch’s election, then actually have the nous to critically think for themselves. As it is, my confidence with the voting public is starting to die off. And if tomorrow’s “pre-ordained by the media” outcome proves true, then Australia might as well claim its brain for permanent parental leave.

    • Irena says:

      Oh so true, Adam…from a teacher who has gone out to try and educate all those who think, Abbott will save them, by promoting how important it is to have an educated society for all, not for just a chosen few.

  34. Pingback: The Election. 7th Sept 13 - Page 10

  35. Brad says:

    “NBN is the most important infrastructure project in decades and we cannot afford to fuck it up”
    – Is one of the reasons I will be voting LNP. Labor will never get the NBN built. If they won, within 12 months of winning, they will be back to arguing about getting rid of Rudd again. Just build some bloody thing for now & improve it later. Get business, hospitals and commercial areas etc connected first, they need it most.
    We are falling too far behind on broadband to spend the next twenty years and god knows how much of our kids and grandkids money, putting fibre optic cable to every single bloody house in Australia, whether they want it there or not.

    • geoff lemon says:

      It’s already half built. Abandoning now would be the height of stupidity from government.

    • dale says:

      The Liberal NBN is a complete joke. It won’t work, and will cost way more than they predict (i’ve been in the IT industry for 30 years, so have a good understanding of these issues).

    • Robyn says:

      Brad, you don’t get it do you? We need the NBN to improve our economy. For it to grow, for our kids and grandkids future. This is a digital revolution, it’s not just about people being able to download movies quickly. This is about schools connecting live with other schools, businesses being able to upload masses of work and data without having to wait in a queue- which leads to a massive improvement in productivity. Doctor’s being able to treat people remotely! The possibilities are amazing. It’s not just about speed, it’s about bandwidth (things being uploaded and downloaded concurrently) and it has to happen now. America are about to replace the system that Tony wants to give us! This is our Snowy Mountains Hydro electric scheme, except that it’s for the whole country. Imagine if that had only been a half arsed job! This is like the underground would have been to London all those years ago – what forethought and vision. This is about INVESTMENT in our future. Open your mind Brad to the possibilities. And the kicker here is that Tony and his mates haven’t factored into the costings of their Fraudband the upgrades necessary for the old failing copper network!! I wonder how much that will add to the cost. If we go down the Fraudband track – it will cost us more ultimately. Yes Malcolm knows all this and I don’t know how he can live with himself trying to sell us this pup. Wake up mate, wake up.

  36. Barb Dwyer says:

    Bravo on this article, just … absolutely … fucking … bravo! I will be sharing this at least eleventy times on social media.

  37. Kylie says:

    Just fucking absolutely perfect
    Love your work!

  38. Louise says:

    Awesome. Well written and love the use of excessive yet appropriate foul language. Now if all those LNP supporters who don’t believe in facts to read it. Thank you.

  39. Designadrug says:

    I’ve already put a sign up in the rear window of the car saying “Don’t blame me I never preferenced Abbott.”

  40. Bombora John says:

    Geoff when the alternative is a vindictive, heartless prick i would have Tony any day. Rudd would have to be the most vial ego maniac this country has ever seen. Balance your argument with a little more spotlight on KRudd. Would agree this election has to be the worst on record but wonder just how do you know so much about Tony personally. Have you met him, have you been in a punch up with him. Please tell as you apoear to believe you have him nailed. Also do you seriously think more years of Labor is a good thing?

  41. ben says:

    Sorry – couldnt even finish it. Was it supposed to change my mind? There is only one choice mate, labour have had their time in the sun. They have picked unnessary, pointless, divisive and unproductive fights with virtually every sector of the economy, introduced uncompetitve IR policies which have driven up the already inflated price of labor at a time when we need to more competitive & flexible in a weakened global economy, saddled business with ever increasing red tape, formulated policy on the run to appeal to the twittersphere (almost a new expensive “visionary” policy a week at one stage), then not have the balls to get it pushed thru parliament whereupon it is quickly dropped in time for the next one. They have chopped and changed their position on everything from asylum seekers to carbon tax to gay marriage, increasing uncertainty in business all the while. They tried to implement Internet censorship, media censorship And censorship of free speech (check out the fine print of their failed media bill and anti-discrimination bill). They swept in on a mandate of generational change and singlehandedly botched up the implementation of every single policy they have enacted. And now you want to give them another crack? The electorate warned them to lift their game last time by delivering a hung parliament, this time it wont be so nice. Despite the furious hand wringing of the left on the social networks, the great majority of the population is absolutely fed up to the eyeballs with labours bullshit, they are fucking retarded and I sincerely hope they languish in political exile for a generation ….

    • Mowif says:

      Sorry Ben, couldn’t finish reading your comment. I’m guessing you said something about how if you have something that doesn’t really work exactly as it’s supposed to you just throw it away and get something labelled “As Seen on TV!”

  42. mick lane says:

    Is this u stu jacka?

  43. i have never read a better article, SO TO THE POINT, loved it.

  44. Neil Ryan says:

    With many of our best and brightest building business plans based on the NBN where will they go now ?again and again we chase our best people overseas to our competitors benefit.Oh the comment about Abbott Plucking flies out of the air really does fit the man I have always called him a Goanna surely the man is a borderline Sociopath Neil RYAN

    • Denis Ryan says:

      Too right Brother!! Abbott is gunna make us look pretty stupid over the nest few years. My Romanian co-workers were laughing in an almost insulting manner when I was describing my internet service to them. They get 10 times the speed down 50 times up and for a 10th of the cost. They wanted to transmit a 1 G file to me then said ” forget it Aussie – we’ll post it in a stick ha ha ha ha “

  45. zoebrain says:

    I’m a traditional liberal voter.
    I agree with this article, because it’s based on you know, facts. Numbers..
    I think that’s all that needs be said.

  46. Tim says:

    Biggest load of shit I’ve read this year.

  47. Thomas White says:

    Thank you for such a well written, logically thought out argument. You’ve summed up very nicely exactly what I’ve been thinking and saying for the last 5 weeks.
    I’d say I’m happy the idiots who vote Liberal will get exactly what they deserve for the next 3 years but I’m not because I also have to go through it…

    Only criticism I have is all the profanities you used, but I guess that’s needed in order to get through to the majority of our population.

  48. Clem says:

    Nice. I was undecided and leaning toward Abbott, and have now changed my mind. Best outcome for me of voting Rudd this time around will be Abbott finally stepping down from Liberal leadership. At least that takes care of international perception, hopefully. Bring back Turnbull or Costello.

  49. Steve says:

    Take a long hard look at this Australia, suck it in, hold that image because if the fibinator becomes our next PM, this will be the end of a fair, decent and progressive Australia. Good to be reading you again Geoff, you nailed it again mate.

  50. SharonB says:

    On the eve of the election, a very depressing piece. My lament in this bipartisan dictatorship of ours is that their is no 3rd party to give the big 2 the competition to bring out some decent policies rather than the he said, she said rhetoric we have been subjected to for the past 50 years…………

  51. Very entertaining exercise in creative writing and perhaps often correct in demonizing Abbott but the central criticism hidden within the amusing hyperbole is that Abbott’s policies won’t be sufficiently Keynesian. Considering nearly all the nations of the world embrace Keynes theories of massive government expenditure which have brought the world economy to the edge of the abyss it’s well past time to turn to libertarian free market economics, particularly the thought of Austrian school economists ludwig von Mises, Murray Rothbard, Hans-Hermann Hoppe, etc.

  52. SharonB says:

    Oh, what a shame Peter Costello wasn’t around to be treasurer………we could have had Abbott & Costello running the country

  53. Jason says:

    Apart from some inventive abuse and dodgy economic theories, all you’ve displayed is a festering hatred of Tony Abbott. To say that the man is weird with women is to insult his wife, his daughters, his Chief of Staff and several members of his team. Ever thought that maybe it’s you with the attitude problem? I’m no techno-geek, but if K Rudd and his henchpersons are pushing the NBN, considering their lethal incompetence with pink batts and the utter farce of Builder’s Early Retirement, you’ll pardon me if I don’t believe anything he says. Democracy is all about change. The ALP (as you’ve admitted) has lost its way, and needs a period of time to set its house in order so as to do what oppositions should do, provide an alternative narrative. I’m not a rusted on Libs supporter – some of their offerings of late are beyond pathetic, but of one thing I am certain – that walking human sewer Rudd has to go, and stay gone, for the good of the ALP and Australia.

    • sayitagain says:

      Fairly confident that permanently fused father-daughter handholding constitutes a weird relationship with women. Unless she’s six.

      • Jason says:

        My daughter is thirteen, and she holds my hand without sense of either of us being in a “weird relationship”. Perhaps you shouldn’t generalise when you have no idea what you’re talking about.

    • Denis Ryan says:

      no no he’s actually weird

    • geoff lemon says:

      “To say that the man is weird with women is to insult his wife, his daughters, his Chief of Staff and several members of his team.”

      Sexism has hardly been confined throughout history to unmarried childless men. I can credit Ben Jenkins with the observation that being nice to your own daughters does not mean you deserve praise, it means you’re not a complete monster.

      Abbott’s comments about women, sexism and gender relationships have been consistently offensive from his university days to the present. Google it and you’ll find a laundry list: from RU486 and abortion being the “easy way out”, to the women of Australia doing the ironing, to the unfortunate interest in the fate of his daughters’ virginity and his prurient judging of women who actually have sex, to his bizarre comments about how attractive his party colleagues are. His perspective on women is outdated and bizarre, and having a couple in his Cabinet doesn’t mean shit. Most racists have a couple of non-white friends too, but will assure you that “nah, he’s a good bloke though.”

  54. merv284 says:

    This is definately my favourite part of your ill-thought out diatribe. I’m no fan of Abbott but there’s a huge flaw in this: ‘The fact that their costings weren’t released until two days before the election should alone disqualify him from contention. No one pulls a bullshit stunt like that unless they have an army of skeletons to keep buried’.

    Rudd did this in 2007 and Gillard did the same thing in 2010. I know the Labor party love bringing up the Liberal’s costings at every opportunity but they’re just as guilty of hiding costings as the coalition.

    I vote national but only because they are putting forward the best candidate for my electorate. I couldn’t care less about Rudd or Abbott. Its about time voters turned away from this nonsense of party politics and embraced the original democratic model practiced by the ancient Greeks in which independent people, free of party restraint, acted for the good of their constituents.

  55. Jae says:

    Where are they going to find the 22billion when we all sue them for our $550 savings we are not going to get on our electricity bills? Their maths are appalling!

  56. Naomi says:

    Couldn’t agree more, I have had many a conversation with friends regarding the election and it seems that we are all voting for those we dislike the least, rather than those who we respect or have policies that we resonate and believe in – sad state of affairs!

  57. Col says:

    “Fair dinkum” Geoff. When did you have time to get yourself off the picket line at the local wharf, go down to the rain forrest, hug some trees, pull some cones and still write war and fuckin peace mingled with 1984. If you simply had a 6 point plan starting and ending in “point 1: stop the Hoax” you would actually get a fair dinkum lib voter to read and make a fair dinkum fuckin comment.

  58. Pingback: Now’s a really good time to re-think voting Abbott | infinitejests

  59. Corry Taylor says:

    Well said Geoff, I was one of the lucky ones who had a great independent, and I will be voting for the incoming independent. How to fix this problem, encourage as many independents as possible, so that the “mayor parties” are held accountable, but this will be the two steps forwards, one step backwards scenario. In the meantime make sure you vote for independents and minor parties for the senate and wait for the double disillusion.

  60. SkedarE says:

    More than a little bias. No real cross examination between labour front benchers and liberal front benchers. i.e. No points on Julie Bishops incompetence or Bill Shorten and Chris Bowen sharpening the knife for the next time Rudd gets a bad pole slide. Fails to point out that Rudd is exactly what you described Abbott, as a single figure out for power alone with no regards to the means to reach it or reason for obtaining it. Even what I just said then and what you said about Joe Hockey are a bit of a generalization. I would recommend looking at both leaders ability to work as a team. Abbott has run his campaign with the idea that we are not looking at electing Abbott. He sais we are looking at electing the liberal party as an effective cooperative team working together to accomplish a goal. Labour have not tried to push this point hard enough, especially after the series of coups and instability despite their recent cohesion and improvement in this area. Could give a few examples of what faster internet speeds(NBN) will be absolutely necessary for in the future, entertainment like movies, pornography and computer games aside. Perhaps some form of Business infrastructure, medical institution data cross communication, research of many forms. A fair point and example on Tony’s policy on environment on climate change. Baring in mind Climate change committee boards want to keep their jobs and pay rises as long as a “risk” is reported and that oil barrens stand to profit if said “risk” is not reported.

    • geoff lemon says:

      I didn’t really discuss the shaping of gender theory in Russian literature either, but I kind of had a limit of time and space. What I’ve laid our here are what I believe are the most salient points for people to keep in mind when they grab their voting ballots.

      • SkedarE says:

        Hahaha fair enough! Thankyou for your swift response. True I did push for a bit too much detail. Just seems a little too open for trolling and flame wars than usual.

  61. Tim says:

    I didn’t like this article, just parroting Rudd’s comment’s, with a few swear words thrown in. The guy who wrote it is clearly a loser, as if you smart your realise it’s poor form and arrogant to call other people dumb if they have a different opinion is different to yours.

    • geoff lemon says:

      “The condescension to his own supporters is truly offensive. But he gets away with it, not because people are stupid, but because they don’t have the time or inclination to cross-check. In short, Tony Abbott thinks that you, the person voting for him, are a fucking idiot.”

      Talk to that guy, and point out exactly where I said people were stupid.

    • mel says:

      Tim, did you not choose to come here and read another person’s article?

    • mikey says:

      Obviously your lack of education (highlighted by an inability to spell or construct meaningful sentences) makes it difficult to debate you. Your willingness to not see the forest, or even the trees for that matter, is symptomatic of what the author is trying to reveal – the fact that we are walking blind into an election when the stakes couldn’t be higher. Our economy is falling off a cliff. We are in the Wile E Coyote phase, suspended in mid air, wheels churning. Liberal policy will make things worse (watch the car industry disappear along with the tradable sectors of the economy because we aren’t productive, have way too much middle class welfare and the currency is too high. All we are good at is handing investors tax breaks on housing and the FIRE sector spruiking house prices to the disadvantage of almost all of us. That and caving in to vested interests. Now that’s a nettle that needs grasping. Land tax, lower land prices, macro-prudential rules, media ownership rules, weeding out corruption. Bring it on.

      Instead we’ll have Genius Joe bullshit about debt and deficit and promptly raise more of both and wonder cluelessly as the economy goes down the gurgler. Eventually Rupert will switch sides when the writing is on the wall. Whether Labour was shite (and they were far too often) is not the issue really. The question that has to be asked is whether in the face of what is coming down the pike if the government we are about to elect is going to do the right thing? The answer is resoundingly NO! and the future will bear that out. It’s a pox on both their houses. Failure to vote in an independent senate to reign in both major parties is our fault. The fact that we get stuck with self-serving narcissists with whack job ideas is our fault. Abbott is and will be a national and international embarrassment. Australia will be worse off. I’m emigrating to a nicer place that’s a whole lot less venal and corrupt. A place where the weather’s better, the people friendlier and the environment respected for what it is, the thing that keeps everything on the planet alive, rather than an asset to be strip-mined.
      Maybe you could choose to think instead of brain fart. But I won’t hold my breath.

  62. Ant says:

    What a load of you know what! Leftist propaganda at its best!

  63. natsupower says:

    Seriously I hope you find the motivation to always write with this passion and humour.

    I have been working the election this week as a polling official. It is very disheartening to see so many how to vote Liberal cards arriving on my table. They are either very old peeps or young peeps mostly. I cant help but think many gen y are voting in line with parents AND old peeps are going traditional conservative. They must still think john howard is in power!

    Anyway I just feel that my day would have been worse had I not read your article today. You are a gem! Keep at em, I guess it is not over to ’til fat lady sings.

    Nat Power

    • mel says:

      Yes alot of my young friends are following in their parents footsteps. My parents vote Liberal, and I flew away from the nest and developed my own brain and interests. I will never vote for today’s liberal government.

  64. richo says:

    Reblogged this on Neuro Typical? No Way! and commented:
    Definitely worth a read. Not from a Labor supporter either.

  65. Peter C. says:

    what dumbass rant.

    I won’t be voting for Abbot but Labor is far worse.

    Labors NBN will be the biggest gold plated white elephant in Australian history that is is a great way for ASIO and NSA to monitor everything. There is no evidence that it will even break even let alone be an ‘investment’. We are a big country with a small population, it’s VERY expensive to give high speed porn for farmers, but handy for getting their votes. (I happen to be in the internet infrastructure business and I don’t know any experts in the industry that think NBN is a good idea). Of course the people in Singapore think our internet is a joke, they have 3 million people living on a postage stamp. The real reason for the NBN ? – government control of the internet & jobs for the union boys.

    Labors NBN is already outdated – they wasted a stack of taxpayer money buying a 10 year old system from Optus for example. And the new stuff ? Fibre networks have a life of 15-25 years, so they will be replacing much of it before it’s projected 30 year payback. I hope my kids don’t mind paying half their salaries in tax to service labors debt on bad investments. Insulation anyone ?

    If you really want politicians to be accountable, you have to keep them on the edge of their seat, forget party politics and vote to make every seat marginal.

  66. BundyGil says:

    Unfortunately, the stupids aren’t listening. They never think, only get led by the nose by bullshit that they swallow like McDonalds.

  67. it is interesting that a lot of the community are being confused by the differences between a government and a company. The government is to provide services and infrastructure to support the community in it’s development, not a to make a profit. In times of good we should invest in infrastructure and grow a surplus for the times when the world goes to shit as it has over the last 13 years. A company prime directive is to profit, profit, profit by minimising their expenditure and taxes.
    A government is not a company and it is not run for personal profit or kudos, it is a community service. If pollies are looking for reward then they are in the wrong profession.
    Vote tomorrow and remember you can be the change in your world. If you don’t like what your pollies are doing use every piece of social media, letter writing or turn up and talk to them, to make them listen, don’t sit back, complain and do nothing, while waiting for someone else to make a difference. Make your voice the difference now, not in 3 years time.

  68. Jarrod says:

    A leftie friend of mine linked your blog on facebook, and after a couple of quiet Makers Marks I just did not have it in me to leave this post along.

    I will of course do you the courtesy of a long form response, but for those wanting the executive summary I’ll provide the gist in just three words (debatably two)

    Disingenuous horse shit.

    The (much) longer version as follows…

    I love that you begin with the now routine “a pox on both their houses” a typical gambit of leftists who’ve ran out of justifications for actually supporting their own sides record in government. It’s unsurprising that you see it fairly commonly nowadays, given the atrocious record of the current bunch of mouth breathers, the easy way out for any barracker of the left is to simply throw their hands in the air and say “they’re both fucking terrible” and therefore manage to avoid having to engage in any personal scrutiny of their own sides failings.

    But this post is not about attacking the government of the last six years, a hundred historians could write for a hundred years on these failings and still not come close to a complete analysis of the level of failure that we’ve seen so painfully unravel before us. No, this is about defending the party of government for the next nine, about defeating the suggestion that they are both somehow equally bad, this is my task and it is something that I’ll humbly try to achieve.

    Your assertion that the coalition NBN uses technology inferior to that of the Labor plan is at best disingenuous and at worst an outright lie as both rely on the same technology. Both the Coalition and the Labor plan uses fibre optic cabling. The key difference being that the Labor plan drives that Fibre optic cabling directly to each and every home whereas for the Liberal plan the Fibre ends at a mini node at the end of the street and utilises the existing copper network to carry the signal to the home. Under the coalition plan if you run a home business, are an avid internet gamer or just plain really LOVE the PRON then you can pay about $5,000 of your own money to continue the fibre all the way to your doorstep. Complaining that the Coalition plan won’t be complete until 2019 is a bit rich given that the Labor plan won’t be finished until well into the 2020’s and is already beset by delays, cost overruns, low subscriber rates and even asbestos scares! The end result is that the coalition plan claims a 25 mb/s (realistically about 2.5 megabytes a second maximum download under ideal circumstances) which is about 2.5 times the speed of a good ADSL2 connection. The Labor plan promises 100mb/s or about ten times the speed of a good ADSL2 connection but will take longer and cost a freaking fortune. I’m not denying the NBN will be nice to have, in the same way that a Ferrari F430 would be “nice to have”. But the coalition plan, much like a dependable old Ford Laser, will still get us all from A to B. I’m not entirely discounting that Labor’s policy may actually be very good, but you know they’ll fuck it up, they already are, and the coalition plan seems a smarter bet each way at this point. If for example wireless technology advances massively over the next couple of decades and usurps cable technology we will be glad we didn’t go the whole hog, if it doesn’t then extending the coalition plan to the home can simply be considered phase 2.

    *Drinks break*

    Ok, that’s the last Makers for the night. Got to be up early tomorrow. Vote early and vote often as they say… now where was I?

    Ah yes, the Carbon Tax scare.

    Tony Abbott is guilty of classic political overreach here. The Whyalla wipe out suggestion was silly and played somewhat into the hands of Labor’s strategy of declaring everything to be perfectly fine post tax introduction. This was back in the days when Labor could be said to have had a coherent political strategy of sorts. But as opposition leader he was most certainly within his rights and simply doing his job to hit the government hard for implementing a damaging tax that it specifically promised not to implement. The carbon tax caused barely a ripple of damage you say? Well initially that’s fairly true, Labor were smart enough to engineer a massively cushioned landing for the carbon tax through generous compensation schemes. This however only serves to disguise the long term damage to the economy as the compensation is withdrawn and the price rises in line with treasury forecasts. The bottom line is that an Australian company has to pay a sum of money every single time it emits a tonne of carbon whereas a competitor company in most other countries do not thus making the Australian company less competitive. I’ll repeat for emphasis, an Australian tax specifically designed to make Australian companies less competitive in the global market. This at a time when Australian companies are already doing it tough with the dollar being historically high and trade barriers historically low? Insanity. Does a decrease in relative competitiveness wipe out industries overnight? No, of course it doesn’t. Does it affect long term decision making? Yes, big time. The sad fact is that we will never know how much investment the carbon tax will cost Australia.

    A few single line responses to your less substantial points

    -Ditching the mining tax won’t really be a revenue problem as it has barely raised anything anyway.
    -BHP complained many times about the carbon tax, they just didn’t specifically blame it for the Olympic dam decision (though they did generally refer to a high cost base to which the carbon tax contributes)
    -The coalition PPL cost will be neutral for big business, offset by a company tax reduction.
    – Labor prior to 2007 released their costings just one day before the election, by your logic they should have been disqualified from the running.

    OK, back to long form…

    Thanks for the economics primer, I see that you’ve a grasp on the ideas of Keynes, handy that you’ve picked something up on introductory side of things, but like most leftists you’ve clearly stopped there. Graphs are hard after all, and “The Effects of Cool Jazz on the Wymyns Liberation Movement” won’t study itself. All very understandable, but let me be the one to inform you that Keynesianism isn’t the only economic game in town.

    In fact poor old John Maynard is on struggle street, his ideas are failing dismally. Post GFC advanced economies all over the world splurged as his teachings suggested they should only to be greeted with recession, massive piling up of debt and stubborn unemployment rates that simply refused to move in the desired direction. Lunatics like Paul Krugman (economics editor of the New York Times) suggested that they simply hadn’t spent enough, but more sophisticated thinkers look to Mises, Hayek and Friedman for real long term answers. The truth is that the broader economy simply isn’t that different to a household budget, long term increases in capital follow periods of savings, not debt. Huge economic growth in the West during the 1950s for example took place while the government was heavily drawing down from massive levels of war spending, more recently Britain is just now starting to get back on its economic feet after a short period of relative austerity from the Cameron government. The attempt at Stimulus in Australia didn’t look too bad because of the relatively strong position in which we entered the gfc and the ongoing mining boom, if it weren’t for those factors it would have been seen for the wasteful cash splash that it was.

    It’s true that Australia has relatively low levels of debt compared to the basket case economies of Europe, but the question worth asking is how did they get to be basket case economies in the first place? The answer is too much government spending. I’m sure their balance sheets looked good at some point in the not too distant past. We either stay on the Grecian trajectory of increasing our debt endlessly or we get off it. Personally I’d like to move in the opposite direction. Fucking yesterday.

    Other countries are tipping THEIR billions into clean energy? Fantastic, let’s let them figure out how to make it cost effective and then buy the shit out of it. Stop throwing our billions down the drain trying to prematurely force technology that’s years away from being competitive with good old fashioned fossil fuels.

    I’m not suggesting that the Coalition have the better policy in every area. There are legitimate arguments for Labor’s NBN, the coalitions PPL scheme is too generous and direct action is bollocks. But I’d suggest that if you are the one reading both party’s policies, carefully weighing up the pros and cons and voting accordingly then you are as naïve as they come. Government is about so much more than writing down some good ideas on a piece of paper prior to an election! It’s about responding to the unknowns rationally, it’s about policy implementation and it’s about not allowing internal division to become the primary day to day concern. Labor has failed on all three counts dismally. Tony Abbott and many of his senior ministers on the other hand have extensive experience as part of the Howard government, a government that most Australians fondly regard as a reasonably safe pair of hands on the wheel.

    The Liberals are the only good choice tomorrow.

    • LP says:

      “Tony Abbott and many of his senior ministers on the other hand have extensive experience as part of the Howard government, a government that most Australians fondly regard as a reasonably safe pair of hands on the wheel.” I guess that highlights the person you are mate. John Howard can be congratulated for getting rid of assault weapons and that’s it. The only wheel he had his hands on was reversing as fast as he could into the past. We will forever be tarnished on the international landscape by the vile scare mongering that little turd of a man introduced. I suppose you all forget PNO, Tampa, and the squandering of our national resources to achieve that economic el dorado “surplus.” If I’m in debt with a mortgage, selling the house to get back in black is a pretty stupid thing to be proud of. The ultimate problem here is not that Abbot’s a power hungry liar and Rudd’s a power hungry conniver – it’s that our democratic system gives a voice to people who can’t be bothered ACTUALLY being informed and instead abdicate their own opinion to one that is spoon-fed by their local media. In that respect, if we are in fact a country with a majority of dimwits, racists, misogynists, raving lunatic god-botherers, the poor gullibles who genuinely don’t know any better and the filthy rich who know they’re going to hit jackpot on the investment they’ve made on this guy, then Abbot is what we will deserve. I love this country but if that’s the case then seriously, For Shame Australia. For Shame.

      • Johnny Caster says:

        Pull your head in mate, who’s scare mongering now?

        • LP says:

          Pull. My. Head. In. Sorry “Johnny” if I have an opinion that I think is important to express I’ll bloody NOT pull my head in but stick it way out and scream from the rooftops. “Pull your head in” – classic tall poppy argument. The term “boat people” with all the demonising stigma attached, never existed before Howard. The proven manipulation of footage with the “babies thrown overboard” and subsequent ‘how depraved are these people’ line was simple scare mongering. Comparing my response to that, to be honest, shows nothing more than an infantile, cheap shot, one liner mentality. Hope you’re proud.

    • sayitagain says:

      The NBN is only a ‘nice to have’ in so far as ‘export industries’ and ‘a future for the 5 million-odd Australians living outside a major population centre’ are ‘nice to haves’.

      • Denis Ryan says:

        well actually my whole business plan relies on the NBN – The Digital economy is what is driving all economies around the world. It’s not a nice to have it’s a necessity especially for 1st world countries like Australia

    • geoff lemon says:

      Jarrod, I enjoyed this, thanks for actually giving a detailed rebuttal.

      A couple of points I’d make. High capacity data is not nice to have, it will be essential. I’m quite conversant with the Coalition plan. Running copper from the node to the house is like piping a water main to a well in your street, then having householders bring buckets. There’s little point having fibre when the copper lines will choke its delivery at the final point. Data requirements have grown exponentially in line with technology, as has processing power (your smartphone has more of both than a state-of-the-art desktop computer a decade ago). To low-ball a prediction of future data requirements is very dangerous. We need a huge amount of capacity above what we currently need so we have room to adapt; needs in 20 years could be anything. High data usage is not about HD movies, it’s about being able to work remotely in an effective manner, work concurrently on detailed files and projects, have vast data stores immediately accessible from the cloud, and a hundred things we haven’t even thought of yet. Half the time in Australia you can’t link two people into a low-res Skype call without it crapping out. We’ll need high-quality flawlessly synced comms systems so people can run virtual offices while living in separate cities or regions. That’s where the future is likely to be.

      “an Australian company has to pay a sum of money every single time it emits a tonne of carbon whereas a competitor company in most other countries do not thus making the Australian company less competitive.” Well, plenty of countries already have a carbon price, so that’s only partly true. More to the point, every time an Australian company produces something, it has to pay for decent wages and superannuation and safety requirements, and insurance and vehicle registration, and other costs that may not apply or may be far cheaper elsewhere. So we should accept Bangladeshi labour standards to make Australian companies more competitive? No. Companies pay a tax on pollution, as they should, they’re polluting. It’s just part of the tally of costs versus profits that defines business. Singling out a modest tax like ours makes no sense at all.

      I don’t have my “own side” in this debate, it’s not a fucking footy match. Hilarious jokes about lefties only indicate an unwillingness to engage the subject, like someone can’t disagree with your positions without being categorised in a certain way. It’s childish and annoying, and generally the quality of your response deserves better than that. But basically: I’m aware of Hayek et al, I just don’t agree. I’m also aware that ever-expanding debt wasn’t being proposed, Labor was already looking at capping debt and how to move to a more balanced look. Tony’s years of complaining about waste yielded a budget that saved a few billion over four years – a negligible difference. So where is the criticism of his plan versus the other?

      That’s probably enough before we get deep into TL;DR territory, but cheers for the comment Jarrod.

      • Jarrod says:

        No worries, thanks for the reply.

        Despite the occasional tone of my post the feeling of respect is mutual. I wouldn’t have typed out a 1,620 word rebuttal to your post if I didn’t enjoy reading it (much less ran a word count on it). I’m not sure if you can complain about my occasionally sarcastic tone though, given that the gist of your post was that dumb liberal voters were about to ruin it for everyone. We dark-hearted libertarians and conservatives have feelings too you know.

        On the NBN , my personal experience of internet in the suburbs of Melbourne (vastly different to the experience of someone in country Vic I agree) is that I have gone from a 56k modem (realistic download 5kbs from a good source) to an ADSL2 connection (realistic download 1 mb/s from a good source) over a period of about 12 years. That’s a 200 fold D/L speed increase. Friends of mine have 100 mb cable connections despite being nowhere near the NBN. All this without a major government investment in telecommunications technology over the period (unless you count regular copper maintenance). Shouldn’t we at least spend a little bit of time seeing whether private sector investment has takes us as far as we can go without shelling out 25bn for the Coalition plan or 50bn for the Labor plan?

  69. Sam says:

    I found this article especially informative due to lesser knowledge of economics. I do have one question that I’d loved to be discussed to help my own vote decision;

    With the volatile international global economy of the US and the EU, is there a risk that the suggested investment into infrastructure as a public investment against future growth could hugely backfire on our local economy leaving us in a worse position than the proposed savings which would impact future income?

    As a swing voter any help would be appreciated!

  70. austriaal says:

    Reblogged this on austriaal.

  71. Swayed says:

    Wow, your obvious shortfalls in judgement of the economy under Labor and your misrepresentation of the NBN has just made me more sure about swinging toward Liberal, if this is all you can rant about.

    • mel says:

      The fact you are even considering really disappoints me.

    • Ozmosis says:

      World economists have also judged Australia’s economy and it is on the up. Australia was one of the few countries to pull out of the GFC without too much damage. Strangely all the successful countries used a stimulus package. Understanding how serious the GFC was goes a long way to understanding just how lucky you are with the way the Australian Govt handled it.

  72. Denis Ryan says:

    The interesting point made here was: ” if you are a conservative than Abbot is not your man.” I kind of agree with that. The NLP’s current crop of radical right wingers and their slash and burn behaviour will be undoubtedly dampened by moderates such as Hockey and Turnbull ( who seem to possess personalities at least) but in reality they will not be able to stop the destruction to Australia’s current social standing, its quality of life to the working and lower middle classes and its irreversible, ultimately destructive “backwarding” of the most important infrastructure project since the snowy mountains scheme. It, in short, will be a dark few years for Australia.

    • would you cut off your nose to spite your face? well vote for the mad monk,and his nutty motley crew, and you sign yourself to purgatory, for at last 3 years, remember the war criminal and his merry band?

  73. mel says:

    Geoff Lemon you are one of my favourite writers. I can always count on your political commentary to brighten my day.

  74. David Gerard says:

    If only this would convince anyone it needs to convince.

    • Croz says:

      Most probably this will be the one step back we need to realize how fucked liberal will turn out for Australia. Labour will grow much stronger and be flavored with all those smaller left party’s ideals with less of it’s deadwood candidates so that in a year they, we, can go protesting as a nation and topple their shit.

      2 big steps forward to follow shortly after. *crossed fingers*

  75. Jes says:

    The people you come across in following excellent blogs!
    Well written gentlemen.
    Jes S-H.

  76. Robyn says:

    Geoff, you are a legend! Everything you say is on the money. It’s so hard to get people to listen. It’s so refreshing to hear what I as a Labor person know to be the truth but I wouldn’t be believed because people naturally assume bias. It’s not bias, it’s the sad and disastrous truth and I’m glad that you don’t have the liberal blinkers on! I like to think that I don’t have my Labor blinkers on either. I completely agree that their behaviour has been disastrous, but this is bigger than that. It’s about policies and our future. If Malcolm Fraser, someone who I’ve grown to think of as a great man after his days in office, thinks Tony Abbott is a dangerous man I think that says it all. Thanks again for coming out and saying this. I could quote so many of the things you’ve written – brilliant stuff.

  77. iggypopsr says:

    Great article. What are your thoughts on The Greens? They are way up there in terms of ethical policy (which is something you mentioned that Labor lacks). They also have better climate change and educational policies (research funding, school funding) than Labor or Liberal.

  78. Paul says:

    While I have no allegiance to either party and wish there were more choices you should at least make sure you are factually correct rather than auto regurgitating what you’ve read / heard.

    I understand you may play World of Warcraft / Call of Duty or download Game of Thrones series but you need to understand the overwhelming majority of people has almost zero use for the NBN speed. Besides that, they cant even make use of it. Its like parking a dam at your front gate and piping into your home. Home WiFi cant fully utilise it being only 300Mb/s max speed (aac) which would mean people would need to wire their homes in CAT6. Do you realise how much extra that would cost everyone? They just wont do it. Rather than both parties solution a better and much cheaper solution is to focus on the 4G (already faster than ADSL2+) and future generation mobile networks.

    In regards to the economy Australia has been hiding in the shadows of a mining boom driven by China’s insatiable thirst for iron and coal. In the meantime labor spent the surplus buying votes giving tax payers handouts to buy IMPORTS further destroying any business that was not mining. Now China’s growth is backing off the dirty laundry is coming out and people now see the damage that has been done. The economy is constricting and unemployment is rising since there is no mining industry offset. If they were good economic managers they would of spent the surplus on infrastructure projects to support everything that wasn’t mining thru that period. A small surplus or debt is a good thing, every country would love to have one they just cant manage it.

    Policy costings – no party has ever released costs that far in advance and anyone that has run any type of campaign knows there is an order of things to build a crescendo of momentum (from the parties perspective). If both parties released their plan and costing on day one there would be no need for any campaign – I might like that but accept most people would need it explained. I’m not saying its how it should be but at least don’t read rubbish into it. It is what it is.

    The asylum seekers are overwhelmingly illegal immigrants seeking financial prosperity. They pass thru 3 or more countries they could seek asylum with but they push on and PAY $10k+ and risk their lives to get here. We should be much more aggressive with Indonesia because they are the one’s allowing the business model to operate. Indonesia wouldn’t put up with Australians just sailing boats to live in their country.

    • Robyn says:

      People seeking asylum are NOT ILLEGAL! This country is mostly made up of people who came here seeking a better life for themselves and their families, many of them were refugees. Just because they’ve got the money to pay the people smugglers doesn’t mean they are not being persecuted or escaping war or in fear of their lives. Try and put yourself in their shoes, wouldn’t you do everything you could to bring your family to safety and a better life? I for one am really ashamed of our treatment of people in desperate need. More than 90% of these people are genuine refugees. I agree Indonesia should do more. As for not releasing their costings until the last 2 days after the media blackout, there is no excuse for that – it is not a normal part of the proceedings, it’s pure subterfuge.
      As for the NBN, it’s not just about speed, it’s about bandwidth, the possibilities are incredible. Just as we’ve had no real idea how for eg the technology of mobile phones would change and grow so quickly, we have no idea of the applications that the NBN can provide yet. Who knew 10 years ago that we’d all have smart phones? But we will have the infrastructure ready with the NBN. America is replacing what the LNP want to give us with fibre to the home. We will be installing obsolete technology and limiting our potential for development instead of opening ourselves up to unlimited possibilities. It’s so lacking in vision I want to cry.

      • Paul says:

        Please read my post again. You really need to move beyond seeing a few key words in peoples posts and letting them push your auto response button based on your ingrained non factual beliefs.

    • geoff lemon says:

      Hi Paul, I made some comments on the NBN in response to a similar point above, but after you’d posted here. To save repeating:

      The fact that asylum seekers are risking their lives to get here should tell you there are pretty powerful motivators behind their journeys. And where on the way should they claim asylum? Malaysia? Indonesia? Burma? For the Tamils, China? None of them places with a great humanitarian record, or the infrastructure to support refugees. We have the capacity, a thousand times over.

      • Paul says:

        Hi Geoff, the thrust of my point wasn’t that we don’t need more data capacity to our homes moreover the solution of both isn’t optimal. My thoughts are we need to move away from “wiring” the planet in every form (electricity etc) and move to more individual mobile solutions. That is why I promote 4G as it is an individual solution of guaranteed bandwidth that individuals can up scale if they need as technology advances – it would be cheaper / faster to install as well. Fiber will suffer the same fate as cable as time moves on i.e bandwidth will decrease as you fight for it with that 24/7 porn torrent freak up the road – best to have your personal link.

        I accept your point re the people arriving on our shores I’m just a solve the problem type of person and would prefer measures be put in place so that we take our quota in a genuine legal safe fashion.

        As I type it looks like Bill Shorton (previous AWU boss) will be opposition leader and Paul Howe (current AWU boss) will be brought into the labor party ranks – hardly progressive in my view. I don’t view unions as progressive, they tend to have a zero sum socialist view (I was in one for years and advanced myself leaps and bounds after leaving).

        I’ve enjoyed reading peoples points of view.

  79. Scenic Route To Hell says:

    The wooden thinking and gut driven rationale for voting LNP is not effectively countered with logic, rational analysis or even the succinct pointing out of the bleeding fucking obvious. That’s what I take from the ‘critical’ responses to Geoff’s excellent article… Only the pain and reality of the LNP policy blowtorch applied directly to their guts appears to make an impression and send strong enough signals to their brain to cause a reactive short term reflex at the ballot box. However, often repeated three word slogans will quickly help to erase any memory of pain, allowing the LNP to successfully sell them the same old grievous treatment all over again. Yay!

  80. says:

    Sent from my HTC smartphone on the Optus Network

  81. Pingback: Now’s a really good time to re-think voting Abbott | RaRaKIN

  82. Reblogged this on The Offensively Unfashionable and commented:
    Prepare yourselves for this future, Australia.

  83. Kurt halstead says:

    is there going to be changes to adsl 2 now that tony abbott is pm

  84. Catherine says:

    Well, the vote is in. Looks like the fuckwits have won, and were back to the stonage.

  85. I have thoroughly enjoyed this political debate! A real one-with real information presenting all sides of the issues enabling me to make the choice that fits with my personal values. I am especially grateful for the election Koala for illustrating how the preferential voting system works. I’ll have to change my profile statement-I thought the system was faulty and needed replacing. Now I see that we just need to all know how to use the system to be heard. I was so disillusioned yesterday my pencil seriously hovered over ‘the pirate party’ (I have a 5 year old!). But I lost my nerve as ‘I wanted my vote to count’ and voted number 1 greens as I have done since I was 18. It seems I’ve partially understood the system as I have always done that to send the simple message that no environment = no economy regardless of all the very complicated issues that need to be addressed. We need to get the Koala to go viral on a youtube video so that all of Australia can become engaged in this powerful process and not remain unintentionally misinformed and misled. A catchy overlay track from the next PSY ought to do it! What saddens me most about how Australian politics works right now is that just under 50 percent of us will wake up this morning and feel depressed. How can that be good for a country? It’s up to us to not make it about Kevin or Tony (or Julia or Malcolm) but about getting the greatest variety of candidates to be active on our behalf in getting things done that improve everybody’s lot in life! Chin up! We’ve work to do! 🌏

    • Paul says:

      “What saddens me most about how Australian politics works right now is that just under 50 percent of us will wake up this morning and feel depressed.” agree but its a reflection of our archaic system of “the haves” v the “have nots” and is why almost every result floats + or – the middle. The whole process seems to revolve around who can push the peoples anxiety button the hardest and scare them away from the other guy. At this stage I cant even see how the system can changed that such this is removed from the the political system and one day we get a result for a party something like 80% such that most people wake up and think ” wow its an awesome day looking forward to the future” 🙂 I’d imagine both major parties would fight to the death to prevent the system being changed.

    • teddy ted says:

      It’s better than the last election where just over 50% of us woke up the next day feeling sad. Now that’s definitely not good for that country

  86. Mark says:

    I hope you’re not going to stop blogging because Murdoch won. More than ever, we need people like you over the next 3 years.

  87. Pingback: OPINION: State your case, don’t shout it - Star Observer

  88. So Geoff… 100+ days has passed from the fateful day when Tony was indeed elected. I remain deeply ashamed of sharing my surname with the idiot (thankfully we are not actually related) and have rapidly grown tired of *that* look I get when answering a question that involves supplying my surname. I’ve also noticed the number of people willing to admit having voted for the tosser seems to have dwindled to near zero. Might be time for a suitably pithy follow up piece to wht was a superb article, I reckon…

  89. Jeremiah says:

    Voting for labour is a vote for homosexuality, It is easy to understand why Tony Abbott became prime minister… just stating the facts…

  90. Pingback: No, I won’t attend your urgent marriage rally | Maeve Marsden

  91. Cyntech says:

    With the budget having just been handed down, you’ve pretty much nailed it. Australia is so screwed.

  92. Tim Mitchell says:

    OK, so here we are, all your warnings confirmed. Tony Abbott and his Government are intent on unleashing their Tea Party policies onto the nation. A vote for Liberal is now a vote for the IPA, for Rupert, for Gina, for Twiggy…
    After stripping $80 billion out for education and health, and telling the states to go take a flying fuck, the only money they spend on schools is $245 million for chaplains.
    Looking forward to your next screed.

  93. Paul 100%Hindsight says:

    Nailed it. 2 years of reaming to go. Feel bad for the students, unemployed, disabled and elderly. Riots will be a standard for next 2 years. Rich had better learn to defend themselves, crime is about to grow faster than Abbott’s nose.

    Can’t see this budget returning us to surplus. Recession more likely!

  94. Pingback: What happens when your country is run by an idiot. - Page 2

  95. Pingback: | Oli Young

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